Join in and help support a good cause.

A fixed percentage of the revenues of © Gaudí Real Estate - per assignment, transaction, or any other pay-out - will be dedicated to one of the charities below.

The charities below have been chosen near to my personal interests, but which of these charities you wish to support is your choice to make as my Client, as part of our agreement.

Sagrada Família.


The Sagrada Família is a one-of-a-kind temple, for its origins, foundation and purpose. Fruit of the work of genius architect Antoni Gaudí, the project was promoted by the people for the people. Five generations now have watched the Temple progress in Barcelona. Today, more than 135 years after the laying of the cornerstone, construction continues on the Basilica.

The Sagrada Família, as an expiatory temple, has always been funded through the donations and contributions of thousands of anonymous individuals over the years.


As the original inspiration for me to study Architecture, the Sagrada Família is a clear first choice for me to support.

It would make me proud and happy to know I have contributed to the finalisation of this great masterpiece of Antoni Gaudí.

©Kemal Juffri for Panos Pictures/Food and Land Use Coalition

©Kemal Juffri for Panos Pictures/Food and Land Use Coalition



Forestwise and the Fat Forest Foundation are dedicated to creating #RainforestValue in order to sustain the rainforests of Borneo.

By helping to maintain the wild rainforest, Forestwise also conserves wildlife, generates employment and income for local inhabitants, and safeguards fresh water, fresh air and fertile soils. They increase the economic value of the remaining forest, and give forest communities a sound incentive for continuing to protect it.


In 2013, my personal friends Dirk-Jan Oudshoorn and Alexandra Vosmaer decided to move to Indonesia, witnessing at first hand the destruction caused by massive deforestation in Borneo.

In 2018, Dirk-Jan co-founded a social enterprise, Forestwise, to increase the economic value of the remaining rainforest and to empower the local inhabitants to protect the remaining rainforest. In 2020, Alexandra launched the skincare brand Fat Forest, that uses Forestwise ingredients, to create clean skincare that protects your skin, as well as the rainforest.

And in 2022 Alexandra initiated the Fat Forest Foundation, to do more for the farmers. With the support of Gaudí Real Estate, the foundation was able to establish a training center for sustainable agriculture in the city of Sintang (appropriately named Pondok Gaudí). So far, more than 100 male and female farmers have been trained in the training center. The foundation also supports the replanting of endangered endemic tree species so they don't go extinct, as well as supporting farmers to obtain land certificates, so that they legally own their ancestor's land and can continue to protect it.

It is an honour for me that I am able to help support them and their good cause through my company and clients.

Oxfam Novib.


Oxfam Novib’s Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs network supports micro- and SME entrepreneurs in the Global South, giving them the opportunity to grow their business and contribute to a positive impact for their local economies.

Through loans and trainings provided by local partners, entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to invest in their business. This allows them to build a better future for themselves, their family and their community.


Already supporting Oxfam Novib personally for several years, their goal to defeat poverty globally resonates with my ambition to help in any way I can.

Now being able to do this through my own business - by joing the Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs network - I can contribute even more to this great cause, supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs.

Interview (October 2021)

I was flattered to have had the following interview and profile attention done by Oxfam Novib’s Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs network.

Interested to join in?

Get in touch and let’s find out together how to join forces and help support a good cause.