Frequently Asked Questions

What do you do as ‘service provider’?

Examples of services that Gaudí real estate & brand positioning provides:

  • Advisory/consultancy and transaction brokerage

  • Brand development and expansion

  • Location sourcing and real estate roll-out

  • Tenant and brand representation

  • Strategic commercial portfolio management

Do you work for one client at a time?

Not necessarily.

As a result of the various sectors Gaudí real estate & brand positioning is active in, and the variety of services provided, multiple assignments can be successfully active at the same time. Needless to say, this will always require a healthy dose of attention making sure no client is treated differently, and each assignment receives the attention and dedication it deserves under the agreement, scope and goal set out together.

For example, a ‘no cure no pay’ broker assignment or single transaction deal requires a different amount of time and attention than a dedicated consultancy assignment based on an hourly/monthly (fixed) remuneration.

In what role can you act as broker or agent?

Whichever role to make sure Gaudí real estate & brand positioning can successfully support you as valued client, most commonly in an acquisition role, both for lease as well as asset purchase deals. All depending on the underlying goals and targets agreed on together.

But also don’t underestimate the opportunity and benefits of having Gaudí real estate & brand positioning acting as flexible extension to your in-house acquisition team, for more dedicated expertise.

Who are your clients, and on whose behalf can you act?

As long as there is an underlying (operational) need and/or use for real estate, it can be a wide variety of types of clients, as shown by the clients & experience since the establishment of the company. Think of real estate investors, developers, operators, and/or tech- & retail brands.

Which sector are you focused on, or most active in?

It is truly a mosaic of sectors, ranging from (flex-)offices, to hospitality, to retail, and everything related. As the track record of Gaudí real estate & brand positioning proudly shows.

What is your added value?

While this cannot be described without limit, and it is highly dependent of your underlying need for support and expertise, to give an idea:

  • Immediate 'plug and play' solution

  • Very limited 'onboarding'

  • Proven expertise and network

  • Flexible agreements

  • Beneficial (hybrid) remuneration structures

Feel free to reach out at any time to discuss what added value Gaudí real estate & brand positioning can provide for you(r company)!

Why donate part of your revenue to charity?

Starting my own business, I was confronted with (financial) choices I had to make, sacrificing certain luxuries which had become normal. Part of this was the idea of ‘giving back’, or supporting a good cause, realising how well we have it in most of our surroundings.

This brought me to the conclusion that with building towards a success for my own company, putting time and effort in, I would dedicate and ‘set aside’ future money I did not have yet. Future revenue following assignments, collaborations, and partnerships, in order to again be able ‘give back’, and support others who are less fortunate. Donating towards those who are working on a better world, and/or to a cause where the money is welcomed and would be well spent.

I chose three charities near to my personal interests, described on the Charity page of this website, and which I share in each proposal and assignment, as a choice for my clients to support as part of our collaboration.

Get in touch and let’s find out together how to join forces and help support a good cause.